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"I can see him in the mystery..."

“I can see him in the mystery…”

By John Armes

We are all born the same way no matter when or where we are in the world.  We all come out naked, screaming, selfish, hungry, and craving attention and affection and not able to take care of ourselves, even before we know what these feelings mean.   At that time in our lives, a warm blanket, warm milk, and being clean and dry make all the difference in the world to us.   We cost our parents a lot of money and grief as we are growing up and we hope that they will always love us even when we are at our worst.  Sometimes we keep them up late at night worrying because they don’t know where we are or if we are all right.  So, why do people have kids anyway since they are so much trouble and cost so much money?  Because we are not only beings that crave love and attention, but we also want to give love and attention and kids can also be a blessing.  Not much different from God.  We are all made in God’s image…  But we as people of the world reject, ignore, and sin against God in spite of all that he has done for us.  God was lonely and that is why he created man (and woman)…  His love for us is like your love for your son or daughter.  He loves us like a father.  Not only that, but he wants to be loved, just like us…  He also has a unbeatable, gigantic, unmatchable, never changing capacity to love, and he is looking for those to whom he can direct that love.  God is concerned about the path we take, the condition of our soul, our attitude and outlook we have on life, as well as how we treat our families…  Yes, he is concerned very deeply with us and in every way, patiently watching and waiting for us to do  the right thing so he can bless us.  Kind of sounds like a father doesn’t he.  Perhaps that is why he is called our Heavenly Father.  And, oh what a great love he has.  Nothing outreaches the love of God.  Even when God sent his Son Jesus to die on the cross, and he was beaten, despised,  rejected, and finally put to death, God still loves us.  “He stands at the door and waits…”  God wishes that every man come to him so he can meet all our needs…  Even after we continuously sin, and God hates sin, but he still loves us.  Did you catch that…  God hates the sin, but loves the sinner…  So, we should do the same.  We all should hate sin, but love the sinner.  We are all sinner’s and bound for hell, but God loved us so much that by his grace, we are saved thru Christ Jesus.  Since Jesus died on the cross, God now sees us thru the blood of his Son so that we who have accepted Christ as our savior, are seen by God as pardoned.  My friend, it is only by the grace of God that we are saved.  And because of God’s grace to us, we should show grace and love to our fellow man.  It is really hard to show someone God’s love and grace, when they can’t see it in you.  We are his eyes, ears, and mouth, if we let God speak thru us.

We must be “reborn” in God’s world, which is to be in this world, but not of this world.  We must repent of our sin, and follow his commandments.  The Bible calls us a “peculiar people”, meaning that we are not motivated by the “normal”  things that worldly people are concerned with.  We are more concerned with God, and heavenly things.  The Bible says that faith without works is dead.  That means that if we are “authentic” Christians and true followers of Christ, it will show by the things we do, and in our lives.  When we go thru life, we should ask ourselves “what would Jesus do?”  It is my sincere hope that all of you that read my stories will acquire a true, “authentic” Christian walk with God and Christ so we can all meet with God and Christ in heaven one day.   Wherever you are in the world, it is Gods will that you become a follower of Jesus of the Bible.  Put all your cares on him and he will guide all your paths.  Lean not unto your own understanding but have faith in God and who he is and what he can do.  We can never understand the full concept of God or his capabilities.  Our minds are just too small, but God is more than we could ever imagine.  We could never understand all there is about God, so we have to rely on faith.  God promises you that if you seek him, you will find him, and that he will never leave or forsake you.  You seek him thru praying to him for all your needs, and reading the Bible.  He has preserved his word, the Bible for over 2000 years to give you a roadmap leading to him.  If you want to have a glimpse of the mind of God, than read your Bible.  It has been the same for over 2000 years and has not changed.  When someone comes to you with a “new” religion, I would suggest that you not give into it.  There will be many false religions in the end days, so you need to be familiar with the Bible so you can tell truth from the false.   God has preserved his Bible thru the ages so you can have knowledge of him, and your mission here on earth.  Do yourself a favor, read it.  And when you do find him, and he reveals himself to you, you will never be the same again…  I promise you…  You will begin a journey that will change your life for the better.  Who knows better about you than the God that made you.  And, he wants to communicate with you…

I spent a lot of time in my life asking over and over “God, what do you want me to do”, and all the time it was staring me in the face.  My friend, the gospel has not changed…  Christ was sent to give hope to a lost and dying world.  He gave us our orders when he said “go and preach and teach the gospel to all people”.  We need to pass that on to others.  There are people in this world who are suffering and starving physically and spiritually and we need to help provide relief to both.  Don’t ask for a sign or a miracle, because the word has already been given.  When you get to know God and study Gods word, than you don’t need a sign or a miracle.  You begin to see him in everything.  When I walk out my front door, I see him in the green grass, and the tall trees.  Look at this world that God has given us to live in.  mountains, valley’s, rivers, seas, and streams, and all of it’s colors and wonders.  God has provided us a wonderland to live in.   Without God, we wouldn’t have cars to drive, houses to live in, work to go to, kids, or us…  God made everything.  And you of my friends out there that claim to be “scientific” and therefor cannot believe in God, than you can ask God all about any questions you have about science (about 1 minute after you die), since he is the author of science too, but I would guess that when you meet him, the question of where you will spend eternity will overshadow any scientific questions you may have.  Science is just one more way that validates God’s existence, because we haven’t even touched the surface of God’s magnificent science yet.  We as man think we are so smart, and have advanced so much, and God says (paraphrased) “you ain’t seen nothing yet”…

Yes my friend, God is more than anything you could ever imagine.   He wants to know you.  He wants you to come to him thru prayer and the Bible.  He stands at your door and knocks, waiting patiently for you to open the door of your heart so he can come in and change your life for the better.  He has come for those that suffer, thirst, and are hungry.  He provides hope for a lost and dying world.  He has promised to love and never forsake you.  He is there in your good times and your pain.  Cast all your cares on him and he will supply all your needs.   And as you search for him, and find him, may his love shine down on you in a way that supersedes all your expectations.  May your glass of your life be full, running over, and abundant.  May you find the one true God.  And when we all get to heaven I can say “welcome home brothers and sisters” and we can live together forever, with God…  And truly, what a wonderful God we serve…