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By John Armes

Sometimes I feel like John on the Island of Patmos…  Alone, abandoned and mostly on my own.   It seems like the whole world is moving one way and I am moving in the opposite direction.  I no longer join in on the worldly amusements, the concerts, the libations, or the distractions that the world has to offer, but live out my life in a different way than I used to.  I can be in a crowd of people and still feel alone.  Alone in ideas, alone in purpose and just alone.  My doctor even put me on a diet so I can’t have some of the indulgences that I used to have to brighten my day so even my diet of food is limited now.  I used to have ice cream, and pies, but no more.  I go to a job every day where I see lots of people and say “hello” and they say “hello” back.  I am there 8+ hours a day for 5 days a week.  While not at work or taking my parents to places where they need to go, I am at home here in my “castle”.  I spend a lot of time in these walls that surround me.   Television, computer and radio seem to be my only friends.  Oh, I have lots to do so I am not short on work and I do have a mission that fills my head with ideas and tasks.  My television and my dvd player provide access to learning thru the learning dvd’s that I have purchased.  My radio gives me access to Moody Bible Radio which I listen to religiously (no pun intended).  My computer gives me access to you, my website, my Facebook page, my email, and many other learning experiences thru software and the internet.  My library provides reading materials to ponder over and things to learn.  It is my intent to live out the rest of my life on this Island of Patmos doing the work of the Lord to the best of my ability.  I am resigned to that.  Just like John in the Bible I mean to be a faithful follower of the one who made me and to give my life back to the one who gave me life many years ago when my parents were starting their own family.  I am alone, but for a reason.

Yes, I am alone, but not alone.  I am alone to spend time with God, which I do more and more each day.  My thoughts are on Him most of the time.  He speaks to me thru radio programs on Moody, and things I read in the Bible and also thru other people.  Being alone He gives me time to compose these stories for my readers and new friends who might read this print and gain an insight on who God is and how to get closer to Him.  If my readers take away a more clear idea of God,  His Christ, and the Holy Spirit, than I have done my job.   I haven’t got the direct distractions that most have because my kids are grown and even though I make contact with them whenever I can, they are raising their own families.  I love my parents, kids and my grand kids very deeply and appreciate every one of them.  I spend time with them every chance I get.  But I must stay on topic here, because when I get started talking about my kids, and grand kids, well that is another book entirely. I know my work mates have herd from time to time about how wonderful my mom and dad,  kids and grand kids are and how blessed I am because of it.  But,  I am alone so God can speak to me thru my Bible as I read it again.  I don’t know why I don’t have holes in my knees as often as I neal to pray for my own impending problems and situations as well as for family, friends, this ministry, my homeland and to thank God for the life and opportunities that He has given me.  Opportunities that I would not have if I were caught up in the things of this world.  Opportunities I have because I am alone and not distracted.  We must all seek to be good stewards of what God has given us and find ways to spread Him to others who may not know of Him.  We all must take up our crosses and follow Him, no matter what burdens we are given to bare.  We should go about as lights in a dark and dying world, praying for those who do not know Christ or can’t see him because they are blinded by the things of this world and are distracted by it’s follies.  Grasping the opportunities that God sends us to be a light in someone’s dark world of despair, and there are people we know who are in despair, though we might now know all the details.  We must always remember that Christ came to save those who are lost, and to find that one who has wondered away and not the one who is found.  Christ came for the drug addict, the one lost in pornography, those lost in a sinful and adulterous lifestyles, the drunk at the bar, the widow alone and afraid, the young child with abusive parents, the mistreated, the shunned and neglected, the hated and despised, the afflicted and oppressed.  He came to set the captive free and to heal the sick.  In the Bible, when Christ was here on earth, these were the type of people that were drawn to Christ because he was their only hope and He healed them and set them free.  He is still doing the same today.  God never slumbers nor does he sleep, but He is on the job 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.  He is so moved with compassion by those who are downtrodden that He wants to help them.  He wants to help us…

So, if we are the eyes and ears of God here on earth, than we should let Him work thru us.  My heart goes out the those churches that have missions to help those in addictions and chains as well as those who are helpless, poor and homeless.  If that was Christ’s ministry when He was here on earth, than shouldn’t that be our mission too?  As we get closer and closer to God we become more like Christ.  Have you ever noticed people distancing themselves from you when they find out that you are Christian or because of something you said that is close to the word of God.  We are supposed to be a peculiar people.  Our ideas and world view is not the same as others who do not share our appreciation of God and the Bible.  If I tell everyone how I talk to God every day and He answers me thru the Christian radio and thru his word the Bible and how I am trying to be a good steward with what God has given me and how I am an ambassador for Christ, don’t you think they would think I am peculiar.  I am peculiar because I am not spending my time at the bar, or trying to seduce every female that walks by.  Peculiar because I don’t cuss or tell dirty stories like the rest of the guys.  Perhaps I am a little more humble because I realize that Gods grace extends to me and others who don’t deserve it.  Perhaps I remember that I came out of the same slimy hole that they are in now, and I did the same things they are doing before Christ changed my life.  We have to realize that sinners sin, but God loves the sinner and hates the sin…  Why, because sin robs us of our rightful place that God intended for us to be.  Adam and Eve,  in the Garden of Eden were sinless until they did what God told them not to do.  When Adam ate of the apple from the tree of good and evil, the curse of sin entered the world.  If Adam had chosen to obey God, than we would be enjoying a closer relationship with God.  But because Adam sinned, than Christ, God’s only Son had to come to earth to right that wrong that Adam did, by giving His life as a sacrifice.  Christ became the second Adam and made it possible for us to be saved thru Gods grace.  Christ was Gods gift of love and righteousness to us, a world cursed and dying in sin.  For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes on Him should not parish but have everlasting life.  That is our promise that we can hold on to…

Wide is the way to destruction and narrow is the gate to salvation and there are very few that find it.  So if we look around and are alone, perhaps that doesn’t mean we are on the wrong road.  The Christian life is often called the road less traveled and we must toil to find it.  We must be actively searching to find it and studying (the Bible) to show ourselves approved.  When we enter thru the gate and onto that road we have to leave everything behind.  God may take us in a direction altogether different from the one we think we should be on and others may not understand.  We have to take up our cross and follow Jesus wherever he leads us.  We must not lean onto our own understanding but take up the cause of the word of God and follow in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  As we read the Bible and pray to God we develop a mindset more like that of Christ and closer to the will of God.  We also develop a thirst for righteousness and realize the need to win souls for God’s kingdom.  Sin begins to bother us more and more and we begin to realize just how sinful a state this world is in and how black our own sin is.  Like Paul said, “that which I should do, I do not, and that which I do, I should not “and  ” I am the chief of sinners”.    Jesus was preaching in a nearby city when a man caught up with Him and asked to follow Him, Jesus replied “the foxes have holes, and the birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no where to lay His head”…  I don’t necessarily think we should give everything we have to the poor, but I do think we should give to the poor and use everything that God has given us for His advantage and to further His kingdom.


Taking that road less traveled is not easy, but it is more fulfilling and rewarding.  It takes sacrifice and courage but the rewards are many.  It may seem like you are alone, but Jesus is right there with you.  You are actually never alone because Christ sticks to you closer than a brother, and He intercedes for us before Heaven and His Father God.  And there seems to be a satisfaction in doing things right.  There is just something right and Godly about it.  After all, we have a righteous God.  But He is also a loving and graceful God.  We all fall short of God’s expectations, so God gives us grace where we fail.  Just as a father wants a son or daughter to make it thru life and find the right way, He wants us to succeed too, and we can thru His grace.  God’s grace stretches out to those who do not deserve it and who otherwise would not make it in this world.  But we have to accept what Christ did on the cross and that He died for our sins.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on should not parish, but have everlasting life with Him…

So here on the Island of Patmos, I live out my life.  Alone but not alone.  And from this island I send out my stories, the stories God has entrusted me with.  I will plant the seeds of how He has changed my life and the lives of countless others who have found Him while walking on that road less traveled.  Although I may not see the results of this work, it is up to Him to send water so the seeds may grow.  There are many dangerous obstacles to overcome along the way, but if I keep my eyes and mind on Jesus than perhaps I won’t be dashed against the rocks or fall into a pit.  His rod and staff protects and comforts me along the way as He can see things that I can’t.  When I am weary He leads me besides the still waters, replenishes my spirit and there is rest for my soul.  When I am walking along the path and grow tired as though I can’t take another step, He picks me up and carries me along the way.  He gives me strength to make it thru another day.  And when life seems to overwhelm me to the point where I seem like I can’t go on, my Lord and King that died for me in my place will never let me down and He will take up my battle for me when I cannot fight it.  And though I am alone here on this Island of Patmos, and about my Fathers business, I am alone but not alone.  I know He is with me and I know that victory is mine thru Christ who selflessly gave Himself for me.  Though I am alone on this Island of Patmos, I’m right where I need to be.  And if this is the lot that God intends for me, I will live it to the fullest, never looking back, and always looking ahead.  And when I am at the end of my journey and all is said and done, I will ask Him one more time “Lord, what do you wish me to do” and after that, I will be with Him…