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By John Armes

I am a slave, but you don’t have to save me.  I am not a captive, but have been set free thru my slavery.  I am a slave by choice and not by force.  I am ruled by a loving master who has my best interest at heart.  He does more for me than I can do for myself.  He is watching my back as well as my front, sides, and top and bottom.  He prepares my place for me.  He watches over me day and night.  He is always beside me.  He will never leave me.  He stood at my door and knocked until I opened it than, he came in and took me out of the mess that I made of my life when I was in control of it.  Than he made something wonderful of my life.  I am a part of his church and the gates of hell will not prevail against me.  He has set me free from my captivity to liquor, drugs, cigarettes, and a permissive lifestyle.  He trusts me and empowers me.  He gives me “peace like a river” especially when I need it the most.  He loved me before I knew him.  He prepares my way before me.  He allows me to share in his inheritance with Jesus.  “He lays me down beside the still waters, he restores my soul”…  With Jesus stripes, I am healed.  “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life”.  And, I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”  Now, ask me again why am I slave, and why am I a Christian?

God promises us things, and He can make them happen.  Friends, we have a whole eternity after this life is over.  I would rather be a slave in Gods army than a high ranking official in Satan’s army any day.  You may say our future depends on it.  We are all made with a choice.  We are not puppets.   We are all made in God’s image.  Even the US Constitution says that we are all endowed with rights from God our creator (paraphrased)…  I am a willing slave to Jesus Christ, yet this “Lion of Judah will break every chain, and give to us the victory again and again”.   And, thru this slavery “my chains are gone I have been set free, my God my Savior has ransomed me, and like a flood his mercy reigns, unending love, amazing grace.”-the song “Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone”…

Jesus said go and tell all men of all nations about the Gospel of Christ.  It is for every man, woman, and child on this earth.  There is nothing else to be done for salvation, Christ has already paid the price for our sins, we just need to accept this free gift.  We are able to do nothing for our situation, so we can only find salvation thru Christ Jesus…  All of those promises are for those who accept, and decide to follow Jesus.  He said “I have come that you may have life, and that you may have life more abundantly.”  Only God knows what true satisfaction in life is.  He is our maker, so he knows how we work and think, and he is equipped to deal with any situation.  What better master is there that you can put your life in their hands and come out with a fuller richer life.   Yes, I am a slave…  And loving every minute of it…  Come and join me…  Be committed to his purpose…  Enrich your life…  Be the person you were created to be…