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By John Armes

Sometimes we as Christians make promises to God, than we stumble and fall…  We sin and we begin thinking we let God down…  We start thinking what is the use…  We want to give up…  However, even though we have done wrong, and we shouldn’t do wrong, sin in itself does not defeat us…  We can still go on and live up to the promise we have made to God…  The only thing that can defeat us is if we at that point give up and walk away…  If we do that than we are defeated…  That doesn’t mean we have an open license to sin whenever we want to…  We should always try not to sin, but it is a struggle…  Just know, that if you have made a promise to God to do something for Him, than the enemy will be at your feet…  The enemy will do or say anything to get you to throw the towel in and walk away…  But don’t stop believing…  Look in the Bible at all those saints that God loved…  The Bible is clear to show that they were sinners, and yet God loved them and used them in His plan and for His purpose…  Some of them guilty of atrocious sins, and God used them…  God can use you too…  He has a plan for you and will reveal it to you as you go…  Your job is to honor Him now in your everyday life…  Do what you should this day, this hour, this minute and believe in Him and He will guide your paths…

Trust in God and seek Him, because when you seek Him, He reveals Himself to you…  The Bible promises “seek, and ye shall find”…  Stay connected to the Bible, Christian teaching, Christian music, Christian radio, Christian TV, in prayer, Christian friends, church, but stay connected until you think about God every day, every hour… Strive to be an authentic Christian…   If you are following God, than He is on your side…  You sometimes see Him working, and sometimes you don’t, but He is always there in the background working with us…  He never slumbers, nor does He sleep, but is always working diligently at the task…  Remember the verse, “all things come together for those that love the Lord”…  That is not just a statement, it is a promise from God to us…  We as humans don’t always understand the ways of God, but we must have faith in Him and in His Word…

Here in America we have the privilege to worship and testify to God without fear of retribution…  We are free to believe the way we want as long as it doesn’t transgress the law or hurt someone else…  But, there are those who would like to take our rights away from us…  We must work to preserve our freedoms in this great land…  In some countries, they don’t have the freedom to believe the way they want…  There are fellow Christians that are being mocked, harassed, jailed, tortured, and some even dying for their faith in Christ…   Some have to worship in secret for fear of their lives…  My heart goes out to these brothers and sisters in Christ…  God loves them and will never forsake them…  We may not know them by name, but we must never forget them…  My prayers go out to them…  Their sacrifice is not in vein..   Jesus said “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake”…  God can use anyone for His purposes…  He has a plan and it is going to come about no matter what…  His Kingdom will come as it says in the Bible, and “every knee shall bow and every tongue confess the Christ is Lord”…  There is only one answer that makes any difference and that is do you believe in Christ or not…  It is a big question and it will determine where you spend eternity…  You must accept Him as your personal Savior if you want to go to Heaven…  People don’t just accidentally find themselves in Heaven…  The Bible says “broad is the path to destruction and narrow is the gate to salvations and there are few that find it”…  It also says that there are men who will say “but Lord, didn’t we prophesy and cast out demons in your name, and He will say depart from me , I never knew you”… Seek God while He may be found for there will come a time when you may no longer find Him…  When we are born, God breathes eternal life into everyone…  Only question is will you spend eternity in Heaven or Hell…  Will you trust in God or not…  Christ said “I am the way, the truth, and the life, No man comes unto the Father but by Me”…  Believe in Christ and accept that He died on the cross for you and He will set you free…   The last thing Christ said before He ascended into Heaven to be with the Father was “go ye therefor and preach and teach the gospel unto all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the Holy Spirit”…

So, brothers and sisters, wither you are in the USA, or any of the countries this blog reaches to, no matter where you are, don’t stop believing…  We here in the United States are praying for you…  We don’t know your name, but God knows…  And He loves you and will never forsake you…   Just, don’t stop believing…  Don’t stop believing! ……